OHDELA students shared their outstanding talents for the fall edition of the Middle School literary magazine Petals: of Stories, Poems and More, 3rd edition, December 2017. In this issue, students demonstrated higher-order thinking skills by applying acquired knowledge, facts, and techniques to create visual and literary art.
Students demonstrated mastery of diverse skills in visual arts like sketching, painting, cartooning, and exceptional photography. Additionally, students demonstrated creative skills in multiple literary genres in addition to visual artistic designs. *WIN groups collaborated to write, produce, and perform dramatic plays that integrated cross-curricular skills. They employed their ELA knowledge of writing standards, dialogue, characterization, plot, conflict, and stage directions to create plays based on their current Social Studies content. Their collaborative efforts demonstrated the students’ abilities to apply their Social Studies knowledge, analyze motives and causes for historical events, and formulate inferences to create accurate historical fiction. Grade 6 students wrote and performed a play based on their acquired knowledge of Ancient Greece. Grade 7 students collaborated to create a play based on their knowledge of the Harlem Renaissance. Grade 8 students created a dramatic performance based on their understanding of the early settlers of Roanoke.
Other literary genres in the 3rd issue of Petals include creations mastering acquired knowledge of poetic forms such as haiku, free verse, blank verse, acrostic, and rhymed poetry. Additionally, some students contributed writings that displayed mastery of the prose genre including both biographies and autobiographies and a variety of expository writing strategies such as narrative, descriptive, informative, and persuasive compositions. Moreover, some students composed works of creative fiction, applying their knowledge of the essential elements of story writing.
At OHDELA, we are proud of our talented students. Their creative endeavors demonstrate the highest order of thinking skills and mastery of Ohio Common Core Standards. We welcome the contributors of this 3rd edition of Petals to the community of published artists and writers.
*WIN groups: students meet daily in learning groups to master Ohio Common Core Standards. Groups are formulated based on differentiated learning needs. WIN is an acronym for “What I Need.”